Cybikitty Games - Dev Diaries

Dev Diary #2


Week two!

I'm still making progress on my sorority horror project - and I'm happy to show off a placeholder/WIP title for the game!


Throughout the week, I've been able to flesh out a lot more of the plot/storybuilding - the main bosses and their personalities are really starting to take shape too (on paper for now)! I'll make sure to type up a more detailed synopsis of the games plot for next weeks diary.

Main Character


As I work on the game, it also feels like I'm getting to know Ophelia a bit more - it's been really fun creating her mannerisms and personality through her inner monologue.


A lot of focus has been on gameplay this week - especially focusing on interactables and pickups. Akin to almost every survival horror, you'll have an inventory system that requires you to collect, combine, and examine items to progress further. Items and points of interest can be found all around the map - so be sure to explore!

Another thing that should be addressed is the camera and movement system - the game is played using tank controls and uses fixed camera angles. Personally, this is one of my favourite control systems when it comes to survival horror - so it feels right at home!

This weeks notes - featuring my new Mira plush!



  • Story and character refinement
  • Interactable mechanics setup
  • Area map setup
  • Audio (BGM & SFX) starting to be implemented
  • To Do:

  • Setup save rooms with storage boxes
  • Create more character info sheets
  • Continue general level design

See you next week!


This week, Cybi has been enjoying:

Dev Diary #1


Welcome! This is my first ever time doing a dev diary, so please bear with me!

Currently, I'm working on a PS2-era inspired horror game set in an American sorority house. I've always found these houses very... cult-like, so it's great inspiration!

The game follows a teenage girl in her first few days at university. When approached by a sorority sister with an invitation to join them, she soon discovers there's more than meets the eye about this organization.

So far the project is pretty bare bones as I'm in very early stages, I've been using the Retro Horror Template by Josue Candela which has been wonderful, feel free to check it out here!

An example of game dialogue.

An example of some dialogue.

An example of game dialogue.

The first page of this project's notebook.

At the moment, the player movement & interaction bits have been implemented, along with an enemy that can follow the player via a NavMesh agent. I'm in the process of designing differing enemy types on paper, so I can't wait to see how these will come out in the flesh!



  • Initial setup of playable character movement & mechanics
  • Blocking out environments & interactable objects
  • Initial story outline
  • To Do:

  • Continue furnishing rooms (& populating them with... friends :3 )
  • Implement new enemy types
  • Buy more stickers for the notebook...

See you next week!


This week, Cybi has been enjoying:

HTML tutorial